Friday, May 14

Stu Rates Ramsay St's Top Criminals!
Stu and The Police are back to tell us who's hot and who's not in the world of Erinsborough crime!

Stu: 'It's no secret that Ramsay St has been a hotbed of crime the past couple of years, and the cells of Erinsborough Jail are starting to get pretty full. Hang on...wait...only one of these guys is actually behind bars! Don't worry - Stu's on the case about that one! Gees. In the meantime though, I'm going to tell you just who IS my favourite Erinsborough criminal!'

Well, I love a good stalker, so Taj and Gus are both close to my hearts...hmmm...Rocco has kidnapped my best mate, so I'm not too keen on him at the moment...Darcy's in jail, bless him, he's a favourite...Stingray, always fun with him around....BUT...I'm going to have to go with the sole lady of the bunch, Ruby.

The way she stole all of Harold's possessions and sold them at Cash Converters for Pete Murray CDs gambling money was just superb. And the way she lied about it was just fact, you might even say that every little thing she does is magic. Maybe.

Crystal: I like to say that she's in the driving seat on the road to...
Stu: Stop that.

Oh well, Ruby it is then.