Saturday, April 24

Serious Political Issue Of The Day
Consider if you will, this review from Thursday's HiT:

Shannon Noll 'Drive'
This Bryan Adams penned grunter (presumably he never used it because of it's Wiggles-like lyrical simplicity) is perfect for Nolly. And when he's finished being Bryan he channels Barnsey for Working Class Man. Now, when do we get to hear the real Shannon?
2 1/2 Stars

Hold up Cam. "I've got a car, I've got a big black shiny car" is lyric of the year so far. It's flat out tops and it's nothing at all like 'Big Red Car'.

Let's look at them to compare:

Shannon Noll: 'I've got a car, I've got a big black shiny car, maybe tonight we can go for a ride'
The Wiggles: 'Toot toot chugga chugga big red car, we'll travel near and we'll travel far, we're gonna ride the whole day long'

See, totally different. Shannon's car is big and black, whereas The Wiggle's car is big and red. They both want to go for a ride, but that's where the similarity ends. I can't see anything else they have in common apart from the fact that they both belong to the 'car' genre of song.

Erm, hang on... maybe we should get the expert in...

C: Stuart, do these two songs seem the same to you?
S:'Well, yeah they do in a way because you see Shannon's...'
C:What? Not in English Stu! In Life Mechanics!
S:'Erm...they're both on the road to success?'
C: Yes they are, thank you.

That's that solved then.