Thursday, April 29

HiT Review
Today's issue was all about comparing Jet to Oasis. Seriously.

First of all there was this, next to a picture of the World's Most Bonza Brothers: 'If the heaving mass of fans on the dance floor don't tell you that Jet have the ability to go supersonic in a way not seen since well, Oasis, then the beaming faces of Liam 'n' Noel in the VIP section do'.

Then there was this review:

I saw Jet last night, and they were no Oasis, let me tell you. I don't think we'll ever be having a top secret Jet Week. But CA loves them both, so I can see why he'd write such crazy things.

Best CA Oasis Comparison Ever: After Aussie band Motor Ace released the song Carry On, which sounded exactly like an Oasis song, in particular Cast No Shadow, CA called them Motor O-Aces. See? He combined both band names to imply that they sounded quite similar. It was very clever.

EDIT: It's come to my attention that this week's HiT was a giant shout out to me. I mean, have a look at this evidence. This was actually a giant pic in the middle of the mag:

Hello? My name, under Liz Phair? Above a picture of Jet? Right next to a bit about Oasis? And then there was that review. That was highly random really, comparing Look What You've Done to Wonderwall. CA is obviously joining in with top secret Oasis Week and it's clear he is my biggest fan, just as I am his.