Sunday, November 23

Worse Shows Than The Sleepover Club
Because I've remembered there are some.

I've obviously repressed all memories of this show, but if you think I get annoyed over The Sleepover Club, it had nothing on William's Wish Wellingtons.

My God, this show was SO annoying. That little twerp William never made a single good wish. I mean, if you had 'Wish Wellingtons', which as far as I know had unlimited wish granting abilities, why wouldn't you wish for something apart from, like, a ball to play with?

Also, I always thought if I had Wish Wellingtons, my first wish would be to turn them into something that I could actually wear, maybe like a necklace or something, or just anything that wasn't a fucking ugly pair of gumboots. Which leads to the point that if this show was re-made for an aussie audience it would need to be called Gary's Great Gumboots or something, and then there wouldn't be any wishes, and thus no point.

Ok, there is only one show that is more irritating than WWW and The Sleepover Club combined. That show is so-called 'Fireman' Sam.

Fireman Sam has never put out a fire in his life. And ok, I concede that there are only so many fires that would happen in a small plasticine town, but what was the point of Fireman Sam? Even when the so-called 'hero next door' would do things during the episode, they were nothing that even remotely needed a fireman involved.

It's the lies I don't like. And the stupidity.