Sunday, November 23

Misheard Kylie Lyrics

First of all, let me just say that Body Language is well on it's way to becoming Album Of The Year (double eviction later!). But, if you've ever listened to Still Standing you'll know that the lyrics in the chorus are pretty incomprehensible. And that is stupid, because as it turns out, I was missing out on really ace lyrics.

Not that I wasn't making my own ones up. This is what I thought they were:

'Do you wanna M.C?
Cos it's Dolce & Gabbana
Guess who's fucking too?'

Now those are pretty good. But completely wrong. But, the real ones are bonza:

'Do you wanna hear me sing Pop?
Cos I don't think I wanna stop
Guess who's back on top?'

I can't believe I didn't know that she was saying 'Do you wanna hear me sing pop?' That line rules. STILL sounds like 'Guess who's fucking too' though.