Wednesday, November 26

Every so often I'll post a list of things that I like, and things that I don't like. Since I've decided that today is Positivity Day (possibly due to the fact that I was sitting in front of somebody smoking pot on the bus this morning - passively high!), I'm going to post things that I like. Because I can.

- The night time.
- Shopping for records.
- Buying pop records in independant record shops.
- Trains.
- England.
- Grocery shopping after dark.
- Riding in cars with boys.
- Rudolph Nureyev.
- Eccentrics.
- The midlands (James, you are a genius!).
- Patrick Wolf.
- Pet Shop Boys, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Madonna, No Doubt, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Kate Bush, Le Tigre, Bjork, Daphne, Celeste, Dead Or Alive.
- Listing things as if they make any sense together, when they really, really don't.
- Books.
- Books about pop music.
- Writing.
- Researching things.