Wednesday, October 22

A certain somebody seems to think that Lizzie McGuire Hilary Duff is rubbish, but this is, obviously, a lie. Admittedly, So Yesterday is rubbish, but Why Not? is bonza in an extreme, and she is ace, especially when she is on Blue Peter, talking to Mighty Liz in what must be the strangest accent the world has ever known.


Susanne off Pop Idol is quite tops, but obviously not as tops as Sam. Where Susanne has a pearl necklace, Sam has a willy, and a willy will always work in your favour if I am to love you (unless you are Geri, or Madonna, or Kylie, or Britney, or Karen O, or Bjork, or Kate).

Top Five Reasons Why Sam Is Ace:

1. He looks like James off Busted - this is, officially, a good thing.
2. He has a willy.
3. He sang Walking In Memphis.
4. He has more of a rock voice, according to Simon and Nikki - I found this hysterical, especially given that Simon and Nikki are the same people who look after Amy Not Very Good Studt - hard to the core!
5. He is the only person in the world who likes Jamie Oliver.