Monday, October 27

Trouble In Ramsay St

Sky and cousin Serena were getting into all sorts of trouble tonight, those naughty children. Sky did something which, to be fair, was quite bad, but Harold went way overboard with her punishment. WORST PUNISHMENT EVER:

Harold: 'No movies, no shopping and no Boyd!'

Dear God. Poor poor Sky.

Anyway, up next was that sneaky little minx Serena. She skipped her classes at her own school, (which Sky hilariously refered to as 'Eden Hills 90210') to perve on Taj running a race. ( FYI, Taj runs like a girl.) She gets sprung though. And what's her punishment?

She's being sent to Erinsborough High!

Gees, that's a bit harsh on poor old Erinsborough High. I know it only has two classrooms and one teacher and you're only allowed to talk to people who live in your street, but it's not a prison.

Also, Izzy is a psychotic bitch. I think she's going to kill Sky.... really.