Wednesday, October 22

Marcia, Dicko, Holden - Who Is The Most 'The Bomb'?

There's hardly been a more entertaining bunch of people on tv this year than the Oz Idol judges. Our favourite changes every week, first we loved Marcia, then we loved Dicko, and now it's all about Marky Mark Holden.

But just which one IS the most The Bomb?

1. Marcia Hines:

Fave sayings: 'Girlfriend, you got it going on', 'You're the bomb'

Things that make her the bomb: Ever-alternating hairstyles, her words of wisdom and encouragement
Things that make her not the bomb: Boring, too nice, crazy eye glares, mothered Deni Hines

Bomb Rating: 5/10

2. Ian Dickson:

Fave Sayings: 'That was rubbish,' 'You're a fat pig' (paraphrased)

Things that make him the bomb: Honest, sometimes very harsh, likes the interesting constestants, hates Craig David
Things that make him not the bomb: Calls Savage Garden insulting names, sometimes seems to be mean for the sake of being mean, bad puns

Bomb Rating: 7/10

3. Mark Holden:

Fave Sayings: 'You're the bomb dude', 'Touchdown!', 'That was mighty mighty'

Things that make him the bomb: Wears the bling bling, has the best comments ever, likes Selwyn, is so un-cool he's positively hip
Things that make him not the bomb: His music career, wrote and produced 'Rise Up', was mean to Levi

Bomb Rating: 9/10

And there we have it - Mark Holden is the most the bomb! Congats Mark!