Monday, April 21

After the travesty that was Listening To The Forever Album Online Months Before It Was Out In The Shops, I made a promise myself never to listen to album spoilers again. Yesterday, I broke this promise, and listened to some of the songs from Ameircan Life on the MTV Leaked website. Despite all the songs having Hi, this is Madonna, please buy me new album so I can afford the payments on my Mini Cooper (or words to that affect) running through them, they were all excellent.

Songs I Have Heard From The American Life Album

American Life - The single that everyone's heard. As much as I love the comical rap, and as excellent as American Life is, it looks like becoming the worst track on the album. This, in its own odd way, is a compliment of the highest form.
I'm So Stupid - No, Oh Glorious One, you are not. You are very, very clever. And excellent. As is this song.
Intervention - I garauntee this becomes a Madonna classic. Single material.
Die Another Day - I love it when popstars go mad. Love it. This is one of Madonna's weirdest songs. Sigmund Freud, analyze dees - greatest lyric ever?

I will obviously be walking to the shops much faster.