Monday, April 14
Prime Time Monday

Well, it's Monday, which means there's Neighbours, H&A, Friends, Sex and The City and Queer As Folk among others. Some thoughts on tonights schedule of shows:

- Before the US QAF flushes itself completely down the toilet and gets axed, Brian should have sex with a woman
- Preferably Lindsey
- Melanie and Lindsey should be in our top 5 lezzos, they are the only good characters
- I probably won't watch QAF because Sex And The Ciy will run over, and be better
- I love SJP's hair at the moment
- Carrie and Samantha are my heroes. Miranda, less so, Charlotte..not really. Though sha has gotten a bit slutty lately, which pleases me
- Friends better give Monica a storyline tonight, I'm bloody sick of Rachael and her god damn baby
- It will be all about Rachael and the baby
- H&A: Angie Dies Week begins tonight. Bonza
- Jack and Nina are getting sprung big time by Michelle. But they'll drag it out for another two months
- Also, why has Millionaire been replaced by This Is Your Life? I would take Eddie Maguire over Mike Munroe ANY day of the week.