Wednesday, April 23
Michael's Observations On The Greatest Album Ever

Inspired by (read: Blatantly copying) The Mighty Crystal's observations on American Life (the Madonna album, not American life in general. Because I know not a lot about American life in general. Because I'm not an American, am I? No), I've decided to inflict my own opinions on you.

- Michael didn't get a free keyring or a free poster with his copy of American Life. This would be sad, had American Life not been such an important item in itself.
- I know my way around this album already, and I've only had it for two days.
- Mother And Father is slightly odd, and steals muchly from Kylie's Fever. Mother And Father has a fantastic rap, making it far, far superior. Sorry, Kylie.
- I've barely listened to Nothing Fails, yet I appreciate it as one of the greatest peices of music ever written.
- The inclusion of Die Another Day makes me much happy, since I try not to buy Our Glorious Leader's singles for fear of becoming obsessive, and thought I might be missing out on The Only Decent James Bond Song Apart From The World Is Not Enough.
- I think this might be The Glorious One's most personal album. Good thing.
- My ever-changing favourite tracks: Love Profusion, X-Static Process, Easy Ride.

That is all.